Dear YGians, we are thrilled to announce that our delicious bakery products and essential groceries are now available for delivery exclusively in Birgunj only!, . Thanks for your patience! 🙏 X

Refund policy

If your item qualifies for a refund, you have the option to select your preferred refund method from the provided table. The refund amount will include the shipping fee along with the original product cost. The duration for completing a refund varies based on your chosen method. Upon receiving your returned product (within 2-3 working days) and completing a quality check (within 1-2 working days), the expected processing times for refunds are as outlined below:

Payment Method:

Cash on Delivery (COD):

  - Refund Option: Refund Voucher

  - Refund Time: 1-2 working days

YG Voucher:

  - Refund Option:  Refund Voucher

  - Refund Time: 1-2 working days

Digital Wallet:

  - Refund Option:  To be credited to Digital wallet

  - Refund Time:  3 working days
